Terms of service


By accessing or using the Fotosstory Services, you agree to be bound by these terms, including our Privacy and Cookiepolicies,so itisimportantto read thisAgreement carefully before creating an account. We may updatethe terms from time to time, so you should check this page periodically for updates. Fotosstory specifically cautions you (the User) to carefully read these Terms of Service (the "Agreement") and all schedules to them, including but not limited to the Fotosstory Privacy Policy, the Fotosstory Code of Conduct and Community GuidelinesforUsersand otherSchedules, to ensure that you fully understand all terms of this Agreement before signing up as a user. Unless you acceptthefull terms ofthisAgreement, you do nothave the right to register,log in, or use the Services covered by this Agreement. By registering, logging in, using or accessing the Services, you are deemed to have accepted this Agreement and agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. Fotosstory may update the terms of this Agreement from time to time without notice, and the amended terms when posted on Fotosstory will effectively replace the original termsoftheTerms of Service.Users mayreview the most recent terms of the Agreement on this website. After Fotosstory makes changes to the Terms of Agreement, anyUser who doesnotaccepttheamended Terms shall immediately discontinue using Fotosstory, and User may not continue to use Fotosstory'sServices. Fotosstory shall be deemed to have accepted the amended Terms of Service.

2.Accounteligibility;Your responsibilities

Before creating an account on Fotosstory, make sure you are eligible to use our services. This section also details whatyou can and cannotdo when usingtheServices,as well as the rights you grant to Fotosstory. ByusingourServices,yourepresentandwarrantthat: You are at least 18 years of age; You are legally eligible to enter into a binding contract with Fotosstory; You are not legally prohibited from usingourservices;You have notbeen convicted oforpleaded no contestto a felony or indictable crime (or similarly serious crime), a sex crime, or any crime involving violence; You are not required to register as a sex offender with any state, federal, or local offender registry; You do not have multiple accounts with our services; We have not previouslyremoved you fromourServicesunless you have our express written permission to create a new account. If atanytimeyou no longermeettheserequirements, you must delete your account immediately. You agree to: Abide by these terms and check this page from time to time to ensure that you are aware of any changes; Comply with all applicable laws, including but not limited to privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti- spam laws, and regulatory requirements; Use the most current version of the website and/or application; Treat other users in a polite and respectful manner, both on and offourservices; Be respectful when communicating with any of our customer service representatives or other employees; Review safety tips; Maintain strong passwords and take reasonable stepsto keep yourlogin information secure. Youagreethatyouwillnot: Misrepresent your identity, age, current or previous position, qualifications, or relationship with a person or entity; Use the Services in a way that would harm the Services or prevent other users from using the Services; Use our Services in a way that interferes with, disrupts, ornegativelyaffectstheplatform,servers, or networkof our services; Useour Services for any harmful, illegal or malicious purpose; Harass, bully, stalk, intimidate, assault, defamate, injure or otherwise abuse anyperson; Posting or sharing prohibited content; Soliciting passwords from other users for any purpose, orsoliciting personally identifiable information for commercial or illegal purposes, or disseminatinganother person's personal information without their permission; Soliciting money or other items of value from another user, whether as a gift, loan, or form of compensation; Using another user's account; Use of our services involving fraud or other similar conduct;Disclosing private or proprietary information that you are not entitled to disclose; Copy, modify, transmit, distribute any Member Content or our content, or any copyrighted material, images, trademarks, trade names, service marks or other intellectual property rights, content or proprietary information accessed throughour services, or create any derivative work without Fotosstory's prior written consent; Any representations made by you, express or implied, are endorsed by Fotosstory; Use any bot, crawler, site search/retrieval application, agent or other manual or automatic device, method or process to access, retrieve, index, "data mine", or in any way copy or circumvent thenavigational structure or presentation of our Services or their content; Upload viruses or other malicious code or otherwise compromise the security of our Services; Forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers to mask the origin of any information transmitted to or throughourServices; To"frame"or"mirror"anyportion of our Services without the prior written authorizationof Fotosstory; Use metatags or codes or other devices that contain any reference to Fotosstory or the Platform (or any of Fotosstory's trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos, or slogans) to direct any person to any other site for any purpose; Modify, adapt, sublicense, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decipher, decompile orotherwise disassemble any portion of our Services, or cause others to do so; Use ordevelopany third-party application that interacts with our Services or member content or information withoutourwritten consent;Use, access, or publish the Fotosstory application programming Interface without our written consent; To detect, scan or test our services or any system or network for vulnerabilities; And encourage, facilitate or agree to engage in any activity that violates these terms. Prohibited Content - Fotosstory prohibitsthe uploading or sharing of the following: May be deemed offensive or harassing, upsetting, embarrassing, alarming, or annoying to any other person;Obscene, pornographic, violent orotherwise likely to violate human dignity, or contain nudity; Abusive, insulting or threatening, discriminatory or promoting or encouraging racism, sexism, hatred or bigotry; Encouragingor facilitating any unlawful activity, including but not limited to terrorism, incitement to racial hatred or the conduct of which itself constitutes a criminal offence; Defamatory, defamatory or untrue; In connection with commercial activities (including but not limited to sales, contests, promotions and advertising, solicitation of services, links to other websites or pay phone numbers); Involving the transmission of "junk" mail or "junk mail"; Contains any spyware, adware, viruses, corrupted files, worms,or other malicious code designed to interrupt, damage, or limit the functionality of any software, hardware, telecommunications, network, server, or other device, Or destroy any other device, Trojan horse or any other material designed to damage, interfere with, incorrectly intercept or misappropriate any data or personal information from Fotosstory or otherwise; Infringe the rights of any third party (including,without limitation,intellectual property rights and privacy rights); Not written by or automatically generated by you, unless expressly authorized by Fotosstory; Contains images or portraits of another person without their consent (or the minor's parent orguardian'sconsent), orwithout the minor's parent or guardian with them; Inconsistent with the intended use of the service; Or may damage the reputation of Fotosstory or its affiliates. Uploadingorsharingcontent that violatesthese terms (" Prohibited Content ") may result in immediate suspension or termination of your account.


It is important that you understand your rights and responsibilities with respect to the content of our Services, includingany content that you provide orpost. You are expressly prohibited from Posting inappropriate content. InusingourServices,youwillhaveaccessto:(i)content that you upload or make available while using our Services (" Your Content "); (ii) Content uploaded or made availableby otherusers while usingourServices(" MemberContent ");And (iii)content that Fotosstory makes available on or through our Services (" Our Content "). As used inthisAgreement, "Content"includes,butisnot limited to, all text, images, video, audio, or othermaterials on our Services, including information about user profiles and direct messages between users.


You are responsible for your content. Do not share any contentthatyou do notwantothersto see, violatesthis Agreement, or could make you or us legally liable. You are solely responsible for your content and, therefore, you agreeto indemnify,defend,release,and hold us harmless from any claims related to your content. The contentcontainedin yourprofile should be relevant to the intended use of our services. You must notdisplay any personal contact information or banking information,whether related to you orany otherperson (such as name, home address or zip code, phone number, email address, URL, credit/debit card or other banking details). If you choose to disclose any personal information about yourself to other users, you do so at your own risk. We encourage you to exercise caution when disclosing any personal information online. Your personal information will be visible to others around theworld,so makesureyou can easilyshare your content before Posting. You acknowledge and agree that your content may be viewed by other users, and that other users may share your content with third partiesdespite these terms. By uploadingyourContent, you represent and warrant to us that you have all the necessary rights and licenses to do so, and that you automatically grant us a license to use your Content. You understand and agree that we may monitor or review your Content and that we have the right to remove, remove, edit, restrict, block or block access to any of your Content at any time in our sole discretion. Further,you understandand agreethatweare underno obligation to display or review your Content.


Fotosstory owns all other content on our service. Anyothertext, content,graphics,userinterfaces,trademarks, logos, sounds, artwork, images and other intellectual property rights that appear on our Services are owned, controlled or licensed by us and protected by copyright, trademark and otherintellectual property laws. All rights, title and interest in our content remain with us at all times. We grant you a limited license to access and useourContentand reserveall otherrights.

4.Rightsgranted to you by Fotosstory

Fotosstory grants you therightto useand enjoyour Services in accordance with these terms. As longasyou complywiththeseterms,Fotosstory grants you a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non- transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, and non- sublicensable license to access and use our Services in accordance with Fotosstory's intended purposes, as permitted by these terms and applicable law.

5.The rightsyougrant to Fotosstory

You own all ofthe contentthatyou provide to Fotosstory, but you also grant us the right to use your Content as set forth in this Agreement. By creating an account, you grant Fotosstory a worldwide, perpetual, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free right and license to host, store, use, reproduce, display, reproduce, adapt, edit, publish, translate, modify, and distribute your Content. Fotosstory's license to your content shall be non-exclusive, but the Fotosstory License shall be exclusive for derivative works created through theuseof ourServices. Forexample,Fotosstory has an exclusive license for screenshots of our services, including your content. If your content is acquired and used by third parties outside ofourServices.Fotosstory isunderno obligation to take any action with respect to the use of your Content by other users or third parties. Fotosstory's license of your Content is subject to your rights under applicable laws (for example, laws regarding the protection of personal data, so long as the content contains personal information as defined by those laws). You agree that Fotosstory may access, store, and disclose your account information, including your Content, if required by law or believed in good faith that such access, store, or disclosureisreasonably necessary for:(i) to comply with legal process; (ii) enforce these terms; (iii) respond to any allegation that the content infringes the rights of third parties; (iv) respond to your customer service requests; And (v) protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the Company or any other person.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Fotosstory, its subsidiaries,affiliates,officers,agents,brand co-owners or other partners, and employees against any claim or request made by any third party as a result of your Content. The provision, Posting, or transmission of your connection to these Services through these Services, your breach of this User Agreement, or infringement of any rights of others, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, and all legal liability arising therefrom.

7.Limit ationo fliability

Youexpressly understandandagree that Fotosstory willnot be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, derivative, or punitive damages in the event of loss, including but not limited to loss of profits, reputation, applications, and data, or other intangible losses. After: The use or unavailability ofthese services;Unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data; Statements made or actions taken by any third party in these services; Other matters relating to the Services except as expressly provided in this User Agreement; And Fotosstory shall not be liable for fraudulent information posted orcommunicated by any third party in any way or for inducing users to suffer financial loss.

8.Accept the terms

ByusingourServices, you accepttheterms ofthis Agreement. ByusingourServices, you agreeto bebound by(i)these terms, which we may revise from time to time, (ii) our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, and (iii) any additional terms at the time of purchase. If you do not accept and agree tobe bound by all terms of this Agreement, please do not use our Services. The section titles and summaries contained herein have been inserted for convenience only and should not be considered in the interpretation of any terms or provisions herein. All pronouns and any variantsthereof shall be deemed to refer to male, female, neutral, singular, or plural as the identity of the entity or person referred to in any request. Any word capitalized and non-capitalized will be treated as having the same meaning.

9.Complete agreement

ThisAgreementsupersedes anyprioragreementor representation. Theseterms,alongwiththePrivacy Policy,CookiePolicy and any additional terms at the time of purchase, contain the entire agreement between you and Fotosstory regarding the use of our Services. These terms supersede all prior written or oral agreements, representations and arrangements by us. If anyprovision of these Terms is deemed invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remainder of the Terms shall continue in full force and effect. The Company's failure to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. You agree that your Fotosstory account is non- transferable and that all rights to the account and its contents will terminate upon your death, unless otherwise provided by law.You may not assign orassign any of the rights and licenses granted under this Agreement, butwe may assign withoutlimitation.These terms will not create any agency, partnership, joint venture, trust or other special relationship or employment relationship, and you may not make any representation on behalfoforbind Fotosstory in any way.